Program overview
A series of outdoor activities that provide a positive wellbeing day for students whilst also providing the opportunities for them to practise interpersonal and teamwork skills. This program is suited to end of year rewards trips and cohort bonding days.
Learning experiences
4 way Tug-o-war
Teams select from one of four individual tug-o-war ropes in a game of elimination. With each initial round finishing in a stalemate, teams must realise that this challenge is more brains than brawn if they are to win.
Giant Parachute
The entire group must work as one to allow the giant parachute to beat like a heart. Once synchronised, students will be led in a variety of games which require complete coordination from every team member to realise their full potential.
Teamwork game
Working in groups of approximately 8, small teams must combine their strength, balance, intellect and most importantly teamwork to complete a wide variety of challenges. In order to succeed, groups must carefully consider and utilise each person’s unique skills to overcome the problem at hand.
Survival Challenges
Utilising basic equipment, students must work as a team to construct a shelter to protect them from the elements. Their shelters must survive the incoming ‘rain’, before the second component can begin. Taking the lead from Bear Grylls, students are set the challenge of cooking marshmallows over a fire. However, to create the fire, no matches will be supplied. Instead, students must use flint and steel to light the tinder, which must then be used carefully to light a larger fire to cook their marshmallows.
Circus Skills
Students hone their balance and coordination with a variety of circus tricks. Plate spinning, flower sticks, hula hoops, yoho diablos and slack lines will test student’s abilities to learn and perfect a new skill.
Beach Bucket Relay
Students must move quickly to win this race with a twist. Groups are supplied with a range of containers of various sizes. Starting with the smallest, participants must race to the water's edge to fill the first container. This can then be used to fill the next largest, and so-on until the largest tub is overflowing. An exciting test of speed, stamina and strategy.
Outcomes - PDHPE
PD3-3 evaluates the impact of empathy, inclusion and respect on themselves and others
PD3-10 selects and uses interpersonal skills to interact respectfully with others to promote inclusion and build connections
NOTE - Outcomes for stages 4-5 vary only slightly from the listed S3 outcomes. Programs will be adjusted accordingly.