Minnamurra Spit
The littoral rainforest growing on the sand spit between the Minnamurra River and Mystics Beach is a good example of an ecosystem battling issues of habitat degradation. The now rare stretch of rainforest, features birdlife, bangalay trees and other rainforest species, but in competition with introduced plant species such as bitou bush and asaparagus fern.
Transport Information
Contact IEEC for transport options, which include:
- Meet at Killalea State Park Campground and walk to Spit
- Meet at Charles Parade boat ramp in Minnamurra (near train station) and canoe to Spit
Illawarra EEC offers the following programs at Minnamurra Spit
Year 11 Earth and Environmental Science - Human Impacts
Year 12 Geography - Ecosystems at Risk: Littoral Rainforest