Teaching science and technology K-6 with confidence
MyPL RG03511
Date: No sessions are currently scheduled. Please contact us if you are interested.
Course description
A professional learning workshop to help K-6 teachers understand the new Science and Technology K-6 syllabus for implementation in 2019
This 5 hour NESA registered course will help to unpack the new syllabus and show how teachers can complement their own Science and Technology programs by engaging students with scientists and real world environmental challenges
Course participants will:
- Gain a deeper understanding of the new syllabus
- Develop skills and confidence to teach science and technology through practical investigations that are creative, engaging and use an inquiry-based model
- Share their experiences and knowledge with other teachers
- Develop a relationship with Environmental and Zoo Education Centre (EZEC) staff and other K-6 teachers to provide ongoing support and resource sharing, with a focus on Working Scientifically, Living World and Digital Technology content
The course is run by specialist DoE Science consultants and the principal and teacher from the Illawarra Environmental Education Centre
$45 (GST Free)
Illawarra Environmental Education Centre
How to enrol
Enrol through MyPL on Course Code RG03511 and choose the session at Illawarra Environmental Education Centre
Prior learning
Participants watch the syllabusPLUS adobe connect session – unpacking the syllabus NR21149. The Adobe Connect session unpacks and broadens participants' knowledge and understanding of the new Science and Technology K-6 syllabus.
Session details
- Tour of the Illawarra Environmental Education Centre and how teachers can use EZECs as a resource for teaching K-6 Science and Technology.
- Inquiry based learning - planning and programming for the new Science and Technology K-6 syllabus.
Practical investigations that meet the Living World and Working Scientifically strands of the syllabus.
Activities that focus on the Digital Technologies strand of the syllabus.
Link to flyer for more information