06 Nov 2018

This year Illawarra EEC held two teacher professional learning days, term 3 and 4, for teachers wanting to engage with the new Science and Technology K-6 syllabus.
Particpants were joined by either Science and Technology Advisor Easter Carmelli or Learning and Leadership Coordinator Leanne Stead, who presented a workshop on new aspects of the syllabus. This section of the day was well received, as teachers were given valuable insights into the intent of the new syllabus with a focus on inquiry learning and they were a learning sequence writing opportunity.
Illawarra EEC teachers showcased their strengths by presenting outdoor and practical applications of the syllabus, mainly targeting the Living World strand. Steve and Nikki had teachers using scientific equipment to compare cleared and rainforest environments, conducting an experiment involving ant food preferences and designing clay 'mini-beasts' using items found in nature.
An action-packed day designed to further engage teachers in Science and Technology.